
Welcome to our blog! Here, you’ll find easy and practical tips for early childhood education, fun activity ideas, and insights on Montessori. Whether you’re a teacher or a parent, there’s plenty here to inspire you and make learning more enjoyable and meaningful for kids!

planes of development montessori
تعليم مونتيسوري

Understanding Montessori Planes of Development for Children

The Montessori Planes of Development offer a framework to understand how children grow through four key stages: Absorbent Mind (0-6), Reasoning Mind (6-12), Adolescence & Identity (12-18), and Maturity & Social Responsibility (18-24). This approach helps educators and parents support children’s development by recognizing their unique needs at each stage.

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اطلب كتالوج ما قبل المدرسة الآن!

قم بملء النموذج أدناه، وسوف نتصل بك خلال 48 ساعة.

تقديم خدمات تصميم الفصول الدراسية والأثاث المخصص مجانًا

قم بملء النموذج أدناه، وسنكون على اتصال بك خلال 48 ساعة.

اطلب كتالوج ما قبل المدرسة الآن