Why Keeping Your Child in Montessori Classes

When it’s time for children to transition from preschool to kindergarten and primary grades, it’s common for parents to wonder whether it’s better to stick with Montessori or make a change. The fact is, Montessori is a lifelong approach to learning and discovery that your son or daughter will benefit from continuing.

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When it’s time for children to transition from preschool to kindergarten and primary grades, it’s common for parents to wonder whether it’s better to stick with Montessori or make a change. The fact is, Montessori is a lifelong approach to learning and discovery that your son or daughter will benefit from continuing. 

This is because our proven method is not just for preschoolers—it’s actually designed to build upon itself. It’s more effective when parents commit to the approach for more than just one year. When your children remain in Montessori classes throughout their elementary experience, they gain valuable skills, knowledge, and social graces that position them for long-term success.

7 Ways Montessori Builds Value as You Stick with It 

1. Smoother Transitions to Higher Grades 

The transition from preschool and kindergarten classes to the primary or elementary level can be challenging for any student—especially when they are switching schools and therefore changing teaching styles. But one of the advantages of keeping your child in Montessori classes is that they will be building on familiar experiences that make their transition into upper grades more comfortable.

2. Easier Integration into Other Learning Styles 

The goal of Montessori is to provide your son or daughter with skills that allow them to make the most out of future learning experiences. Over time, your children will internalize the techniques and principles that make Montessori so effective. They gain the self-discipline and persistence they’ll need to achieve their goals later in life, whether they are enrolled in traditional classes, homeschooling, magnet schools, or another educational approach.

3. More Personalized Growth

In traditional schools, teachers have a set curriculum that they must get through during the school year. If a child loves a certain subject, they may not get a chance to do a deep dive into it. 

In montessori classes, students can pursue the areas they’re passionate about. They gain education on the basics too, like reading and math. But there’s more room for each child to learn more about the subjects they’re drawn to—allowing students to tap into what makes them unique.

4. Stronger Focus on Mastery

You’ve heard the phrase, “teaching to the test.” Traditional schools tend to focus on students earning passing grades, and this can create tremendous pressure that impedes rather than fosters academic growth.

In an authentic Montessori classroom, your child will have many opportunities to learn at their own pace. Your child receives ample time to explore the materials they’re studying, so they can learn through trial and discovery. They move onto the next set of materials only when they are personally ready to do so. 

5. Better Continuity of Education

One of the biggest challenges for teachers and students in traditional schools is the fact that not all children start the school year at the same level. Teachers must assume that all children have successfully learned everything they should have mastered the year before.

The result is that some students inevitably get left behind or struggle because they have gaps in their learning—things they didn’t pick up in prior school years. It can be hard for them to ever catch up with their classmates, which can impede their long-term success.

But Montessori minimizes such issues because it is designed to make room for children to learn at their own pace. As a result, they receive the foundational understanding they need to achieve further academic success down the road.

6. Less Competition, More Collaboration

The setup of traditional schools tends to isolate students by age, and the focus on grades can breed a sense of unhealthy comparisons. Homeschooling can isolate students in a different way, limiting the opportunities for them to interact with their peers to develop social skills.

Montessori is different because it encourages social interactions and collaboration through mixed-age classes. No matter a student’s age, they will often work with those both older and younger than them, and those who are more and less skilled. Children gain a vital appreciation for others, and they become more adept at cooperation.

7. Great for Supplementing Education Beyond the Classroom

Are you familiar with the term, “new math”? The fact is, teaching techniques change every few years. As a result, parents often find it challenging to help their children succeed in academics because they don’t know how to support them as they work on class projects.

What’s great about the Montessori approach is that it is designed to carry over from the classroom into everyday life. Our teachers can offer suggestions for how you can support your son or daughter’s growth at home. Your child will also gain skills in how to experiment and learn, which they’ll use for the rest of their lives.

Discover the Value of Long-Term Montessori Learning  

You may be wondering, “How long does my child actually need a Montessori education?” The real answer is, they’ll use it for their entire lifetime—so it’s vital that they become fully grounded in the principles they master in our classes.

When your son or daughter is able to build on their Montessori education for their key early elementary years, they become equipped for success—not just in school, but long after they graduate. 

When you consider the lasting influence your child’s educational experiences will have on their life, it’s easy to see how important the right school becomes.

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