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Pikler approach in early years education

Pikler approach suggests using climbing furniture that helps infants and toddlers improve their gross motor skills. This enables them to develop faster at both physical and intellectual level. Thanks to Pikler's system of education, children grow confident, self-sufficient and proactive. They enthusiastically absorb new information and establish a positive attitude towards the surrounding environment.

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If you are a parent who gets involved in your child’s education and healthy growing up, once you will come up with questions: “What is the Pikler approach? What is Pikler triangle? Should I buy it for my kid?”. Pikler approach suggests using climbing furniture that helps infants and toddlers improve their gross motor skills. This enables them to develop faster at both physical and intellectual level. Thanks to Pikler’s system of education, children grow confident, self-sufficient and proactive. They enthusiastically absorb new information and establish a positive attitude towards the surrounding environment.

What is Pikler approach?

Emmi Pikler is a renowned Hungarian pediatrician. First, she worked as a family doctor, and after World War II took over the Lóczy orphanage in Budapest. There, she raised infants along with the same principles that she had successfully applied to her own children before. American specialists became acquainted with the Pikler system thanks to Magda Gerber, one of Emmi’s students.

According to this approach, in the first years of their lives, kids should enjoy maximum freedom. Parents don’t need to encourage them to move, learn and explore the world because the small ones will do it intuitively. If grown-ups try to intervene with the natural way of the kids’ development, this would only demotivate kids.

The most essential element of children’s education at the earliest stage of life is freedom of movement. By learning how to crawl, climb, sit, stand and walk kids eagerly overcome difficulties and experience the joy of being independent. Parents should be supportive and patient. They should provide their sons and daughters with opportune conditions for safe and efficient physical development.

The Montessori and Pikler approach have a lot in common. However, Pikler is focused predominantly on children aged 0-3, while the target group of Montessori are kids aged 3-6. The Pikler system is largely concentrated on honing gross motor skills.

Gross motor skills

Motor skills are divided into two categories: fine and gross ones. Fine motor skills involve more sophisticated coordination between the brain and body. We need them to write letters with a pen, thread a needle, cut nails or perform other similar actions.

Gross motor skills serve as a basis for the fine ones. They involve movements that we make with our limbs, head and body — such as squatting, walking up stairs or kicking a ball. Kids should showcase a good command of these skills before they go to school. For instance, a child who develops normally should be able to jump with two legs by the age of four and ride a bike without supporting wheels by the age of six-seven.

Improving gross motor skills is intrinsically linked to enhancing physical strength, coordination, balance, reaction time and body awareness. Also, it contributes to a child’s social adaptation and raises their self-esteem. Pikler furniture such as:

This is one of the most entertaining methods of honing gross motor skills.

About climbing furniture

Climbing furniture will nicely fit into the decor of any kids’ room. It will keep your son or daughter busy while you are working, talking on the phone or doing household chores. If you purchase a climbing set of different elements, you will be able to compose diverse structures with them so that the children would never get bored.

In our online shop, you will find pieces of Pikler furniture of all shapes, either colored or monochrome. All the items are light, long-lasting and 100% safe for human health and the environment. They are made of natural wood and treated with hypoallergenic paint. Kids from all over the world have immense fun playing with such furniture. In addition to providing them with enough physical exercise, it stimulates their creativity and fosters their imagination.

Hopefully, now you know what is the Pikler approach and why you should purchase climbing furniture for your little ones. A common question often arises: “What age is a Pikler triangle for?”. The target group of this piece of furniture are kids aged from 6 months to 4-5 years. Feel free to buy climbing items for your baby as soon as they are born or even before that — this smart investment should pay off very soon.

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