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Category: Activities & Play

Activities & Play

The lifelong benefits of play

Researchers have linked childhood play with adult achievement, so let’s see how play can help children understand and experience the world, develop vital skills and possibly even get a good job later in life.

Activities & Play

Exploring the great outdoors with confidence

Spending time outdoors is incredibly beneficial for children. It can grow their confidence, inspire their creativity, help them learn responsibility and support their overall mental wellbeing. 

Activities & Play

An Expert’s Guide to Keeping Our Kids Active

For toddlers and preschoolers, ‘more is better’ when it comes to physical activity. As young children grow into school kids, ages five to 12 should be getting at least 60 minutes of ‘moderate to vigorous intensity’ physical activity each day to reap the health benefits.

Activities & Play

The role of sound play in early childhood services

From the moment they’re born, sound is an integral part of children’s development. Infants respond to their parents’ voices, lullabies, and white noise, and as they grow, different sounds help them to learn and connect.

Activities & Play

The benefits of ‘Dad play’ in a child’s first years

There’s evidence that father-child play can also help littlies control their behaviour and emotions as they grow up, so let’s see how this finding emerged and why all parents should take the time to play.

Activities & Play

All about circle time in child care

Group time has become a popular classroom strategy in early child care. From the baby room through to preschool, teachers are increasingly incorporating group experiences within their daily programs. As parents, it’s something we hear a lot about from child care providers. But what exactly is group time, and how does it help our little ones?

Activities & Play

How a group mentality influences preschoolers’ behaviour

Grown-ups are role models, rule-makers, mentors and disciplinarians all rolled into one, and it’s our job to support littlies as they learn to regulate their emotions and behaviour and grow their pro-social skills and independence.

Activities & Play

What Is Physical Literacy In Early Education?

Physical literacy is the concept that if you don’t know the rules and structure around an activity, or you don’t enjoy you are not going to seek it out. Though, if at an early age you are encouraged then in your later life you will have the skills, motivation and knowledge needed and will be much more likely to participate throughout your lifespan.

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