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Category: Kindergarten Furniture

Kindergarten Furniture

What Skills Does Montessori Teach?

The Montessori curriculum and method of teaching ensure children have the skillset they need to be successful in life! Read on to find out how exactly Montessori helps children to develop these crucial skills.

Kindergarten Furniture

What Is The Montessori Method?

It was lovingly created by Maria Montessori, an Italian physician, and educator who has left behind a wonderful legacy of her dedication to childhood education that we are trying to encourage.

Kindergarten Furniture

What is a Montessori Prepared environment

then came to realize that everything about a child should not only be in order, but that it should be proportioned to the child’s use, and that interest and concentration arise specifically from the elimination of what is confusing and superfluous.

Kindergarten Furniture

How to declutter toys the Montessori way!

Surveys have shown that a typical child owns 238 toys in total, however parents think they play with just 12 ‘favourites’ on a daily basis, which makes up just five per cent of their toys.

Kindergarten Furniture

Montessori theory: What are the sensitive periods?

During a sensitive period, the child is deeply interested into a specific subject. It is therefore extremely easy for the child to acquire certain abilities related to this interest.

Kindergarten Furniture

A Montessori approach to clean-up time!

As parents, we expect that the Montessori philosophy will help our children to be tidy! The Montessori school is designed for children and leads naturally to order. There are clear rules and expectations and children are more willing to clean up after themselves in the classroom. 

Kindergarten Furniture

A close look at the Montessori Approach

Dr Montessori based her educational methods on scientific observation of children’s learning processes. Guided by her discovery that children teach themselves, Dr Montessori designed a “prepared environment” in which children could freely choose from a number of developmentally appropriate activities.

Kindergarten Furniture

What is the Right Age to Start Montessori?

The right age to start Montessori education is typically between 2 1/2 and 4 years of age because most Montessori schools are preschools. However, some parents choose to start their children in Montessori from infancy, usually between 8 weeks to 18 months.

Kindergarten Furniture

How Do You Organize a Montessori Bedroom?

A Montessori bedroom has all of the furniture at the child’s height. Everything should be within the child’s reach to give them full independence in the room—nothing is restricted. It is decorated in a minimalist style with neutral colors and bright pictures and learning materials for the child.

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