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Kindergarten Furniture

How and Where Do I Start with Montessori Homeschooling?

To start Montessori homeschooling, carefully consider and organize the learning environment, prepare opportunities for the child to spend time with children and adults of all ages, remove extrinsic motivations, and research different Montessori curriculum materials that can guide learning.

Kindergarten Furniture

Characteristics of the Montessori Curriculum

The Montessori curriculum helps children to focus on five key areas of study. These include Practical Life, Sensorial, Mathematics, Language, and Culture. These areas are put together with a set of teaching materials that are designed to increase in complexity as the child grows and matures.

Kindergarten Furniture

Why Are Montessori Schools So Quiet?

Montessori schools are exceptionally quiet because students are encouraged to work on their activities at their own pace, which allows individual focus among the normal hum of interaction with other students and teachers.

Kindergarten Furniture

Why Is Geography Important in Montessori?

Geography is important in Montessori learning because it allows children to understand their world better. They are able to foster a feeling of care for the earth, as well as feel more connected to people around the world. Better appreciation for cultural diversity is fostered as well.

Kindergarten Furniture

Is Montessori Based in Science?

Montessori is based on science. Dr. Montessori observed and drew conclusions about the best ways children absorbed knowledge and she modeled her education system after that.

Kindergarten Furniture

Is Montessori Good for Children with Special Needs?

Montessori is good for children with special needs. Montessori classrooms allow special needs children to feel comfortable and safe in a learning environment that is nurturing and understanding.

Kindergarten Furniture

How is Science Taught in Montessori?

Science is taught in Montessori through methods of demonstration and experimentation. It consists little of reading and lecturing and rather allows the instructor to first give an idea of the topic to the students and then let them experiment and learn from personal hands-on discovery.

Montessori Education

How Is Montessori Different?

Montessori differs from other educational methods mostly in its focus on and respect for children as individuals. Montessori was built on the philosophy of independent, self-based learning.

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