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Montessori Education

Saying No the Montessori way

When parents discover Montessori, they understand that it is about giving freedom and independence to their children. So when it comes to discipline the Montessori way, parents might be confused and weary of saying no, of having rules as they know “punishment” is not the answer.

Activities & Play

Buy out the Pikler Frame!

Kids climber set is a climbing structure that children learn to navigate on at their own place.
This furniture like a pikler allows toddlers to explore their body, learn their own boundaries and respond to their climbing needs. It also helps develop gross motor skills, physical strength and agility, encouraging free movement and free play. Can be used for Montessori Method.


How Is It Helping Your Kids Grow with the Pikler Furniture

While puzzles and math may be gripping enough for your child, the Pikler method of education seems best suited to help kids develop their intellectual and motor skills. Since children’s physical and mental abilities develop together, the optimal educational toys for toddlers are the ones that involve their bodies.

Activities & Play

How to help your kid to develop properly?

Playing games is a practice of life with a happy and carefree approach. Of course, although the failures in the game are innumerable and for children, serious but superficial and transient. In fact, playing games is an answer to the “how to develop physical and mental health” question”. It causes happiness or sometimes a feeling of failure, as well as the fulfillment of the child’s needs or failure.

Kindergarten Furniture

Supporting children through change – Montessori Parenting

If you relax enough to join your child in their play, he will be more likely to listen to you and tell you how he feels after he has connected with you through play. So remember, be honest with your child while filtering the adult’s word. Work on yourself so you can be a role model. Encourage your child to express her feelings through play.

Kindergarten Furniture

Can we do Montessori at home if our child does not go to a Montessori school?

One of the main attractions of the Montessori philosophy is the idea that children know, from the start, what is good for them. Each child is born with a potential. When we give freedom to children, with few limits to protect their safety, they will flourish. This includes giving them the freedom to think by themselves. We believe our children should form their own opinions and beliefs.

Kindergarten Furniture

Montessori ideas about sleep

The way our babies and toddlers sleep is something that intrigues most parents. We wonder when our baby will sleep through the night. We wonder if we have to train our children to sleep independently. We worry that we might spoil our child by breastfeeding her to sleep or by rocking her to sleep. We ask “is it safe to bed share?” or “Is it OK to let him cry out?”.

Kindergarten Furniture

Montessori ideas: Start with Practical life!

Practical life activities are not limited to a few activities on tray on your shelf. Those are great to repeat and to develop some specific skills but the most important is to involve your child in your daily life. And yes it means that everything you do will be slower, less efficient and not up to your standards. And yet those daily chores become a daily opportunity to teach your child.

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