
Category: Montessori Education

Montessori Education

5 Ways to Motivate Your Child to Learn

Learning is like exercise — both are necessary, sometimes both are fun, and sometimes both make you want to throw up. If you are a parent looking for ways to motivate your child to learn, here’s a quick list that can start you down the path to success.

Montessori Education

Extracurricular Activities And Their Benefits In Early Childhood Education

Early Childhood Education is more than just child-minding or even learning the alphabet, counting and recognising colours. We understand these skills are important, but a holistic education means an investment in a more fruitful future with benefits that last a lifetime.

Montessori Education

Parenting With Technology

In the current digital world parenting with technology is complicated. This is because some parents think using the old fashioned ways of parenting is the only way to go. Instead, parents should integrate the old fashioned parenting principles with the new era of technology, because technology is here to stay.

Montessori Education

What Your Child Will Gain At Preschool: Six Benefits Of Early Childhood Education

It’s important preschoolers begin to develop skills that lead to good friendships. Humans are interdependent, and relationships are vital for a person’s mental health. Parents or carers are the most important influences on young children, but they also need to learn how to navigate the world with those in their age group.

Montessori Education

Adding fun and complexity to preschool maths

Preschool learning doesn’t need to be as easy as A, B, C and 1, 2, 3. In fact, when it comes to numeracy, an American study suggests that preschoolers can learn much more complicated maths than we give them credit for.

Montessori Education

What the Reggio Emilia approach can offer your child

Going back to where it all began, schools in the educational project of Reggio Emilia use an innovative curriculum and teaching practice that views children as having extraordinary potential.

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