
Tag: kindergarten

Kindergarten Furniture

Is Montessori Good for Children with Special Needs?

Montessori is good for children with special needs. Montessori classrooms allow special needs children to feel comfortable and safe in a learning environment that is nurturing and understanding.

Montessori Education

Early learning in nature

Doug Fargher says that “children who spend time outdoors and connect with the natural environment tend to be healthier, happier, stronger and have a greater respect for the environment.”

Montessori Education

Why Is Creative Development Important In Early Childhood?

When creative learning is applied in early childhood development, it offers children the chance to be active participants in their learning, by fully engaging their bodies, minds, and senses.

Kindergarten Furniture

What is the Main Purpose of Montessori?

While Montessori is known as a popular educational method for preschool children, its principles and main purpose serve the child for longer. The idea of observing the child to determine their needs, and allowing them to follow their interests, are good approaches to consider both in and out of the classroom.

Montessori Education

Montessori Education: Parents’ Role

By providing a lovely and warm environment at home, a kid feels that he or she is the most important treasure in the life of parents. Love helps children grow in trust and learn to be thoughtful to other people and the world they live in.


What Is Reggio Emilia?

Reggio Emilia also revolves around the children’s senses, relying on sight, sound, touch and even taste and smell to assist with learning. As a result, Reggio Emilia classrooms tend to look different than your average preschool with large common spaces, natural elements and lots of accessible and curiosity-sparking materials.

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