
Tag: Montessori at home

Kindergarten Furniture

Reading in Montessori: Method and Timing

Montessori specific methods for reading focus heavily on sound and sensory experience before introducing the child to phonics and the alphabet. With a vocabulary knowledge rooted in sound, a child can easily associate written letters with the sounds they already know. This is called encoding or reading.

Kindergarten Furniture

How and Where Do I Start with Montessori Homeschooling?

To start Montessori homeschooling, carefully consider and organize the learning environment, prepare opportunities for the child to spend time with children and adults of all ages, remove extrinsic motivations, and research different Montessori curriculum materials that can guide learning.

Kindergarten Furniture

How to Create a Montessori At Home Learning Environment

Montessori principles believe that everything your child plays with should have a purpose. Whether that purpose is learning, developing life skills, or functionality, you’ll find that Montessori at home doesn’t overly disturb your routine.

Montessori Education

Kids Temper Tantrum Prevention

When we respect our toddler’s need for order, independence, and personal space, when we help him name and express their big feelings, we can make huge strides in making toddler time less tantrum prone and more enjoyable for the entire family.

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