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Montessori Education

How Montessori Preschool Develops Leadership in Young Learners

When you imagine a leader worthy of emulation, who comes to mind? Perhaps someone such as Abraham Lincoln, Marie Curie, Martin Luther King Jr., or similar famous names? You may even think of someone who may not be famous to the world, but who had a dramatic, lasting, positive effect on your life.

Montessori Education

Kindergarten or Montessori?

Preschool (age 2+) and primary classes (ages 3-6) do more than simply acclimate children to attending school. When you make the right choice for where your child begins their educational experience, you set them up for a future filled with academic and personal achievements.

Activities & Play

Beneftis of Pikler arches for kids

The Pikler arch encourages open-end play. This kind of play has no goals and can go on forever. It develops children’s imagination and enhances their creative abilities. For instance, they can turn the arch into an enchanted bridge that their toys need to cross or arrange a treasure cove under it.


Pikler approach in early years education

Pikler approach suggests using climbing furniture that helps infants and toddlers improve their gross motor skills. This enables them to develop faster at both physical and intellectual level. Thanks to Pikler’s system of education, children grow confident, self-sufficient and proactive. They enthusiastically absorb new information and establish a positive attitude towards the surrounding environment.


Concepts and Practices of the Pikler Approach

The principles of Dr. Emmi Pikler’s approach to raising healthy babies: This approach is based on renowned Hungarian pediatrician Emmi Pikler’s research into gross motor development and emphasizes treating babies with respect by telling them what you are going to do before you do it, encouraging them to participate in their own care and supporting them to solve their own problems.

Montessori Education

Montessori Enables Children To Succeed In The Real World

You have a bright, energetic, creative child—and you desire to see them enjoy a life filled with academic achievement, affirming friendships, productive careers, and a sense of purpose that guides them. You want your child to have more than the ability to take a standardized test. Your goal is to equip them for success in every area of life.

Montessori Education

Benefits of In-Person Learning for Students

If you’re wondering what’s best for your preschool or primary-aged child’s education these days—online classes or in-person learning—you’re not alone. Between today’s efforts to keep everyone healthy and the advancement of new technologies, virtual learning has been growing in use and often seems appealing at first glance.
But is it best for your child? Not necessarily.

Montessori Education

Recognizing the Best Montessori Learning Environment

One of the greatest gifts that Maria Montessori gave us is the understanding that children flourish best when surrounded by an environment that is designed uniquely for their size and stage of development. A well-designed Montessori classroom offers a safe, comforting, stimulating space that invites your child to discover the world, learn to care for themselves and others, and develop a way of thinking that gives them an edge in life for years to come.

Montessori Education

Why Keeping Your Child in Montessori Classes

When it’s time for children to transition from preschool to kindergarten and primary grades, it’s common for parents to wonder whether it’s better to stick with Montessori or make a change. The fact is, Montessori is a lifelong approach to learning and discovery that your son or daughter will benefit from continuing.

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